Elon Musk is once again kicking off Pride month with transphobia

Elon Musk is once again kicking off Pride month with transphobia

The face of a man whose children still speak to him
Photo: Ludovic MARIN / POOL / AFP (Getty Images)

This is the beginning of Junewhich is traditionally the time when companies dress up their logos in rainbow hues even an makes a serious effort to stand up for marginalized queer people (rare and increasingly rare) or a cynical ploy to get people out of their money (much more common).

Elon Musk, head of Tesla, SpaceX and Twitter, is not a traditionalist. For two years now, he’s opened Pride month with a different tactic: making very loud, very public anti-LGBT statements. But meanwhile last year’s effort at least it seemed With a friendly face, this year Musk has upped the ante: he is amplifying a documentary that yet It was flagged as transphobic hate speech by Twitter’s own content moderators.

Elon Musk is once again kicking off Pride month with transphobia

Photo: Scott Olson (Getty Images)

Musk quoted him on Twitter the Daily Wire documentary What is a woman? this morning, which was published last June. Those who had the stomach to watch the film called it:deceptive“,” “science denier” and “full of transphobic lies.” The film was directed by Matt Walsh, New Republic.Transphobe of the year,” WHO used a fake pro-LGBT organization to engage real trans people in interviews. all part of her”any attack on the ideology of gender“, seems.

When the Daily Wire first tried to “premiere” the film on Twitter (again, it was released last year, it’s not a premiere), the site’s Trust and Safety team flagged the video as containing hate speech citing a misunderstanding. When representatives of the Daily Wire complained, Musk himself took to Twitter to reach out to the publisher:error.” This tweet, which called the misunderstanding “rough at best and not in violation of any law,” confirmed a change that the site has been hinting at for a long time: Misunderstanding is now specifically allowed on Twitter.

In response, Twitter’s head of Trust and Safety has left the site today. Musk personally promoted the Daily Wire documentary stating that “Every parent should watch this.” Musk’s tweet received more than 280,000 likes and nearly 40 million views, according to Twitter. She really raised the bar when she attacked queer people during pride month, but that’s not unexpected from someone who continuously bent over further and further into transphobic behaviors. No wonder his daughter doesn’t want to deal with him.

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