Florida man watches his Ferrari destroyed

Florida man watches his Ferrari destroyed

It would be inaccurate to say Is Ferrari the most sought-after car in the world? Sure, you may have had a Lamborghini on your wall as a kid, but Ferrari is the brand that countless people compare to all cars around the world. When they say, “Racing improves the breed,” they mean Ferrari.

So, does it break your heart to see this kind of destruction? Like watching someone break a leg or Lena Dunham show skin, you have to wince and turn away. Once the blisters are gone, read the story.

Image courtesy of Amalgam Collection photos

Based on Palm Beach County Fire Departmenta certain owner Ferrari Rome his vehicle was at a dealership in florida. While using the car lift, a malfunction occurred, causing this Ferrari Roma to hang up and then fall into the shaft. It was actually quite a harrowing experience as the owner took his car up to the third floor when the elevator gave way upon entering the parking garage, giving the owner just enough time to escape from the vehicle.

The initial response from Palm Beach County Fire Rescue Battalion 10 and Special Operations units was to mitigate the fuel leak by installing portable standpipes and cutting off power to the store. Once these were secure, the crew worked with a towing company’s swivel breaker (think a tow truck with a crane-like arm that can rotate 360 ​​degrees) to lift the Ferrari and bring it to the Ferrari. terra firma. In total, the entire operation took four hours.

Fortunately, there were no injuries, other than perhaps some egos and feelings.

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